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On his fifth birthday he received a compass 

And went on to do things like the sum plus 


X and analyzed space with his mighty brain, 

But back at home he was in pain. 


He has the highest IQ and was very wise, 

Which is probably why he won the Nobel Peace Prize. 


Most people know him with his tongue sticking out 

He was still mobile then, moving about. 


Then he became older and weaker and wasn't as nimble 

His math problems and equations became a whole lot more simple.       


He was one of the main forces in the Manhattan Project     

He knew it was a bad decision, and so he wept. 


At the age of 76, he took his last breath 

The god of space and time rests in the hands of death.                                                      


Because of his persevering defiance 

He was known as the father of science. 


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