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14th March 1885 


Dear Diary,  

It is my birthday! I woke up in the morning, a normal morning, but then I remembered my birthday! I was wishing to run around and scream, “It’s my birthday!” I wanted to feel the lingering feeling of anticipation of surprise and presents. I longed for the happy, cheerful song that would come to my ears once a year. I stampeded out like an elephant herd of my own and found my 5th birthday party ready and waiting. Surprise! We had fun all day, starting with pancakes and ice cream in the morning, we read some books and after that, we went to the park, played ball games, and flew kites. I loved to fly kites, and mine went the highest. We kicked balls to each other and with the softer ones, we threw them at another person, and that was, in a way snowball fight without the snow.  


When it was 1pm, we had lunch at a nice café, and I had a cold mango drink. When we went home, it was time to unwrap presents. I unwrapped my dad’s first, he gave me a compass. I walked around, and the needle was always pointing in one direction. But how? I started to get interested in science, and I asked my dad how it worked. He said something about magnets. I spent a good hour walking around the house, twisting and turning in all sorts of positions, but the compass always pointed north. I tried to it put it next to a couple of toy magnets, and the needle turned to face the magnet.  


Afterwards, I helped cook dinner. I dropped two eggs and split noodles on the floor, but otherwise, it was clean. Well, the bench was covered in flour, the floor was very soupy and some of the egg cartons were ripped up and all over the kitchen. That’s my clean, well it's cleaner than my bedroom at least. After the appetising meal, and as I lay in my bed, I couldn’t go to sleep. I didn’t want my birthday to slip through my fingers so quickly. But soon after I was snoring, or well my mum told me and had dreams of compasses and flying presents. I was on a journey to get my compass back, but on the way, I faced monsters, with three horns and one eye, and I had to beat them in a competition to pass. First was an actual snowball fight, and we had to fly kites and see whose would go the highest. Mine went to space and I think I hit a rocket. After I got a compass covered in gold. When I woke up, I was truly a 6-year-old boy. 


Albert Einstein   

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